Embed resilience thinking within the organization Source : Building the resilience agenda | McKinsey
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella spent his first months on the job teaching people the value of a “learn it all” culture rather than a “know it all” culture. Source : 5 Ways a Crisis Can Help You Cultivate a Growth Mindset
5 Ways a Crisis Can Help You Cultivate a Growth ...

Source : The 8 Types of Company Culture – HBR Video Learning comes with a cost : Culture types in a framework of interdependence and flexibility
The 8 Types of Company Culture – HBR Video
Source : Forget ‘fail fast.’ Here’s how to truly master digital innovation | MIT Sloan More than failing it is critical to learn from trials … Value Proposition Design and Minium Viable Prototype should provide leverage
Forget ‘fail fast.’ Here’s how to truly master digital innovation ...
Mobilize Source : The eight essentials of innovation | McKinsey & Company
The eight essentials of innovation | McKinsey & Company
Source : Unlocking Your Organizational DNA
Unlocking Your Organizational DNA

Afin d’impulser une véritable réussite collective, un leader doit savoir faire preuve d’humilité, de vision et de confiance pour obtenir le meilleur de ses collaborateurs. L’observation d’équipes hautement performantes révèle que la coopération effective découle, d’abord et avant tout, d’un état d’esprit et d’une culture du collectif qui placent chacun en […]
Le leader collectif : le pouvoir par la confiance – ...

Organisations that empower and give meaning to their members are not only more dignified but also more innovative. Source : Why Leaders Should Create Meaningful Environments | INSEAD Knowledge
Why Leaders Should Create Meaningful Environments | INSEAD Knowledge

L’entreprise libérée fait parler d’elle ! En bien ou en mal, succès ou échec, il est important de s’y intéresser comme piste de modernité et de durabilité. Classique ou libéré,… Source : l’Entreprise libérée, pourquoi ça (ne) marche (pas) ? par Vincent Iacolare | DantotsuPM.com
l’Entreprise libérée, pourquoi ça (ne) marche (pas) ? par Vincent ...

There is no value in asking yourself “Am I a leader?” Instead, ask “Who am I leading? And where am I going?” Source : Restoring Humanity to Leadership | INSEAD Knowledge