Embed resilience thinking within the organization Source : Building the resilience agenda | McKinsey
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella spent his first months on the job teaching people the value of a “learn it all” culture rather than a “know it all” culture. Source : 5 Ways a Crisis Can Help You Cultivate a Growth Mindset
5 Ways a Crisis Can Help You Cultivate a Growth ...
Source : These Five Behaviors Can Create an Innovation Culture
These Five Behaviors Can Create an Innovation Culture

Problem solving capabilities is not improved by just any diversity. When struggling with new, uncertain, and complex situations, cognitive diversity is the key. Cognitive diversity is diversity in knowledge processing and knowledge perspective. To move towards cognitive diversity you can start by making it safe for individuals to try things […]
Teams Solve Problems Faster When They’re More Cognitively Diverse
Source : Why It Makes Sense for Managers to Go Slow to Go Fast Why change is so difficult … (pulling on the grass eventually harms the roots) 3 steps that need time : Capture attention : tell a simple and captivating story, use characters and emotional tension Gaining approval : […]
Why It Makes Sense for Managers to Go Slow to ...

Source : The 8 Types of Company Culture – HBR Video Learning comes with a cost : Culture types in a framework of interdependence and flexibility
The 8 Types of Company Culture – HBR Video
Source : Qu’y-aura-t-il sous le capot du PMBOK® Guide – 7ème édition ? – DantotsuPM.com Parce que les meilleures pratiques du Pilotage de l’Innovation évoluent et s’enrichissent régulièrement
Qu’y-aura-t-il sous le capot du PMBOK® Guide – 7ème édition ...
Team interaction style Adaption : bring your team to be themselves An orchestra conductor faces the ultimate leadership challenge: creating perfect harmony without saying a word.
Itay Talgam: Lead like the great conductors | TED Talk
Source : Create a Growth Culture, Not a Performance-Obsessed One 4 keys to liberate available energy for more external value : a Safe environment ; space for Experiments ; organizational Learning ; continuous Feedback Dare to Innovate … !
Create a Growth Culture, Not a Performance-Obsessed One
Source : Forget ‘fail fast.’ Here’s how to truly master digital innovation | MIT Sloan More than failing it is critical to learn from trials … Value Proposition Design and Minium Viable Prototype should provide leverage